Help Desk
17 February 2025 02:10 AM

How can I send and receive my email with an email program?How To: Email Configuration
You can use the following Manual Settings information to
configure your email program: Incoming email server: server#.domainit.com Outgoing email server: server#.domainit.com Username: you@yourdomain.com Password: yourpassword *Your incoming and outgoing mail servers were provided to you in an email when you first signed up for the service. However, if you no longer have these settings, please contact us to find out what incoming and outgoing mail servers you should be using. Please make sure you have authentication turned on for the outgoing mail. You can go into "Advanced settings" or "More Settings" for the outgoing mail server and check off the box that states "Outgoing server requires authentication, use same settings as incoming server". You can also access step-by-step instructions on how to set up some of the most popular email programs by clicking the link below: https://support.domainit.com/index.php?_m=knowledgebase&_a=view&parentcategoryid=131&pcid=81&nav=0,81 You may also retrieve AND send your mail using our WebBasedMail service: https://www.webbasedmail.com | |